I have a yucca elephantipes growing in a pot where there has been some rotting in the past, and the rotten stem base still remains in the pot. A while ago I cut away the large stems and unfortunately didn’t keep them for making new plants which i’ve now learned to do. There is now plenty of new growth taking place, and I’m wondering what the best thing to would be have healthy and successful yucca plants.
- jamesstinson asked 3 years ago
A good question James. It actually sounds like your yucca has a will to live! But, it also sounds like the conditions in the pot are not ideal.
I would suggest removing it from the pot, trim off all the unhealthy sections. If there are any significant cuts, leave these to callous over before replanting if they will be below soil level – give it a week or so.
When you place the healthy plant back in a pot, ensure that it is fresh potting mixture and give it a good fertilise and water. But do ensure that the soil is well draining.
Hope this helps 🙂
- Steve McLean answered 2 years ago
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